
Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Potato Stamping

I have loved potato stamping ever since art class in elementary school. This year, the little guys tried their hand at potato stamping to make their own wrapping paper and they had a GREAT time - what kid doesn't love playing with paint? We used the light weight brown craft paper (which is easier to wrap with) and non-toxic acrylic paint. Next time I would probably use a kid-friendlier craft paint as the two year old got a bit carried away and wanted to stamp everything - including the chair (oops); isn't clean up always the fun part?!

Little guy number one wanted a star stamp which was easy enough to carve from the potato, the other little guy, however, insisted on a tire which ended up looking more like a gear of some sort, but he was pleased so I considered it a success. It was a little messy (ok, very messy) but they had a lot of fun and are very anxious for Daddy to see their "artwork".

I needed a place to hang the stamped paper to dry ... who would have thought that the big reindeer would ever come in so handy?

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