
Saturday, January 9, 2010

My New Sewing Machine

Can you believe it? A new sewing machine! And it's pink too which means even the kidlets won't touch it (fella one: "Ew mama, pink is for GIRLS!")

I think the little guys not touching it is probably a faint hope as I'm sure the pedal alone will be a major attraction now that I have moved my craft area to the kitchen table ... pictures of the "supposed" craft area to follow (ouch!) and new one (of my dreams).

I can totally picture this machine as the focal point in my new crafty space; a space that was revealed to my sister by my four year old who said in disgust: "Mama wants a playroom just for girls and it's gonna be PINK !" You'd better believe it's going to be girly and pink since everything around here is dump trucks, dinosaurs and the colour blue!

Anyways, Santa delivered! Hubby won an award at work and selflessly bought me a brand new sewing machine - can you tell I'm happy? Oh the wonderful things I'm going to be able to do ... just need to find the time (sigh) and the space. I'm off to read the manual, oh how exciting!

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