
Sunday, January 16, 2011

Subway Anyone??

For my brother-in-law's 30th birthday, my three sisters and I got together to brainstorm a few ideas of what we could get him that met the following two requirements:

a) be totally unique, and
b) really emphasized the "30"

It didn't take us very long to figure out that food was the best bet ... our gift you ask, why a Subway gift card for 30 subs!  In order to emphasize the 30, we decided to design a custom sub banner.

I drew and coloured one sub sandwich on an 81/2 x 11 sheet of paper, making sure to draw "tabs" on either end of the sub so that they could be joined together.  A professional copier service printed 30 coloured copies, and then using those swivel pins (or whatever they are called) we attached the subs together to form the banner.

We gave each sub a number (one through thirty) then strung the "streamer"  all around the cottage.  It really was a sight to see - the thing went on and on and on, it was so long!  

It was really fun getting him to guess what exactly his 30th birthday gift was!  And then the look on his face when he realized ... it was priceless!  That, and hot-tubbing it at night in a -23 degree winter wonderland !

Kudos to anyone who, without looking back through this post, can tell me exactly how many times I used the number 30!

- Kristin -

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