

I am a teacher turned stay-at-home mom who, with my husband, have three wonderfully active young little boys ranging in age from six to six months! This makes for wildly busy days with a few precious "me" hours at night when I get to craft and paint away.

Staying home with the boys is something that I feel priviledged to do, but that doesn't mean I find it easy. I miss the companionship of my collegues and I relish time spent out of the house too. I find that I am the "best" mom when I have time to nurture the creative side of me; it is my outlet :o)

Basically, I am what is commonly referred to as a "Jack of all trades, master of none." I dabble in paint, teach myself how to crochet, knit and sew, refinish furniture and run a stationery business all at the same time. My interest range from taking a few Wilton cake decorating classes (which was so much fun) to attending a few Home Depot classes on installing hardwood floors and ceramic tile.

While sometimes I try really hard to focus in on ONE thing be it furniture, crafting or decorating our "new" home, my blog has turned into a total reflection of who I am: a little bit of everything, and maybe not a whole lot of anything :o) Life is short and I want to get to it all! So you never know one day from the next what you are going to see and that's ok with me 'cause that's the way I like it!