
Sunday, December 20, 2009

Snowman Kit

Have you seen those cute little snowmen kits around lately? They come in a little plastic pouch and include all the things you need to accessorize your snowman; they even have one labeled "Frosty's Girlfriend" which I think is hilarious!

These kits are really easy to make yourself: I purchased the scarf and stones at the dollar store, the carrot was about $3 at a local craft store and I made the little snowman tag. It would also be nice to include a felt top hat or toque, but I like a plain 'ole snowman myself. My friend's little girls always like to put tiaras on their snowladies, but I don't think the little fellas will go for that ...

So, one more Santa gift accomplished, and I have a feeling I know what all the boys in this house will be doing Christmas day ... let it snow!

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